Mitchell doesn't quite get the concept yet. He was asking where Jesus lives and I said that he lives inside us if we want him to. He thought about the idea of someone inside of him as he drank his smoothie and then said, "If I want Jesus inside me, I could put him in my cup and drink him! Then he'd be inside me!" Well, not quite what I was getting at, but it was funny and Ben had a good laugh at that one!
Another thing on Mitchell's mind lately is the idea of baby teeth vs. adult teeth. He is fascinated with Jack's two new teeth coming in and that sparked the conversation with Matt that he will one day get to grow in some more of his own. I could tell the talk was worrying him, but didn't say anything. Later in the day, Mitchell came up to me with a worried look on his face, and, holding back tears, told me he didn't want all his teeth to fall out! He has reminded me a few times since then that he wants to keep his teeth and that he needs them. I've given up trying to explain "someday" to him and have just started telling him he can just keep the old ones as long as he wants them.
keep your old teeth - great idea!