Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Oh, Barf...

I don't have many words to express how much I love to be thrown up on, so I'll let my picture do most of the talking.  However, with the intention of grossing you out as much as possible, I'd like to remind you that Jack no longer just "spits up" a little milk, his barfing is the real deal, folks!  This was a full meal, about an hour into digestion that went straight into my hair and down my cleavage, then slid down to rest under my shirt wherever it could find a stopping place.  

You know I'm a blog addict when my baby barfs on me and, rather than immediately cleaning myself and baby up, I run for my camera.  Something is wrong with me...


  1. Yuck! That is a nasty post. Blech.

  2. I know. I have a problem...

    you are lightning fast, as usual! :)

  3. Ewww... I bet that smelt just awful! Poor Little Guy ☹ He looks a little stunned by the whole ordeal.

  4. well, it didn't smell great...

    he really looks like he is wondering why in the world he has a camera pointed at him at a time like this!

  5. I suppose there was some literary reason you had to share that. Gross! I 'm pretty sure little girls don't do that. :)

  6. yes, it is a fact that little girls never throw up. ask anyone!

    sometimes gross makes for good reading (in my crazy opinion, at least)

  7. He looks like he feels much better.

  8. he does look like he feels much better! This was a funny one!! So glad you had your priorities in line when you went running for the camera!!:) cracks me up. looks like he did a pretty good job of keeping most of the mess on you!

  9. so glad my kids get to experience parenting first hand :) Jack will love this shot as an adult - with an eyeroll and the comment 'how does this pic keep resurfacing?? do not let my fiance see or she is outa here...'

  10. love the way Jack is holding the shirt open so we get the full effect *LOL*

  11. gotta hold on tight when mom is slippery with barf and also holding a heavy baby in one arm while using the other hand to take pictures!



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